Maria Montessori, an Italian physician and educator was best known for her acclaimed educational Method, the Montessori Method of Education. 
1870: Born in Chiaravelle, Italy
1896: She became the first female physician in Italy upon her graduation from medical school in 1896. She developed an interest in education, attending classes on pedagogy and educational theory.
1900: She was appointed as the co-director of a new training institute for special education teachers. After much research and experimentation, many children made unexpected gain and the program became a success.
1907: Maria opened Casa dei Bambini, a quality learning environment for young children in a poor inner-city district. Through scientific observation and experience, Maria designed a new learning method and environment that nurtured the child’s natural desire to learn.
1913: Maria journeyed to the United States, the same year that Alexander Graham Bell and his wife founded the Montessori Educational Association in Washington, D.C. Other American supporters of Maria Montessori included Thomas Edison and Helen Keller.
1952: Although Maria passed away in Noordwijk, Holland, her work is still continued till today as the Montessori Method for education for young children.

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